In the Old West, being a cowboy was about more than just herding cows and riding horses. It was about having a certain code of honor and living life by a set of rules that would ensure your survival in the harsh conditions of the frontier. Here are some quotes from famous cowboys that offer some sage advice on how to live your life.
“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.” – Will Rogers
This quote is all about not making your situation worse by doing something that seems like it would help in the moment but is actually just going to make things worse in the long run. It’s important to stop and think about the consequences of your actions before you do something that you might regret.
“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” – Abraham Lincoln
This quote is about being decisive and committed to your actions. Once you’ve made a decision, don’t waver or doubt yourself. Stand firm in your convictions and follow through.
1. The cowboy life is all about adventure, danger, and excitement.
2. Here are some inspirational quotes to live by, courtesy of some of the most famous cowboys in history.
3. “A cowboy is only as good as his word.” – William S. Hart
4. “If you want a thing done right, do it yourself.” – William “Buffalo Bill” Cody
5. “There are two kinds of people in the world: those who want to know, and those who want to find out.” – Will Rogers
6. “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish t
1. The cowboy life is all about adventure, danger, and excitement.
When most people think of cowboys, they think of the Wild West; a time when men were brave, bold, and fearless. And while there is some truth to that image, it’s not the whole story. There were also cowboys who were kind, gentle, and hardworking. They were the ones who helped to settle the West, taming the land and making it their own.
It’s no wonder that cowboy culture has always been fascinatings – there’s just something about those rugged individualists that captures the imagination. Here are some cowboy quotes that capture the spirit of the cowboy life.
“A cowboy’s life is one of constant adventure.”
This is what separates the cowboy life from other lifestyles. There’s always something new around the next bend, and a cowboy is never afraid to take risks. adventure is what makes life worth living for a cowboy.
“A cowboy is someone who can feel hunger, cold, or pain and not let it stop him.”
In order to survive in the harsh conditions of the West, a cowboy had to be tough as nails. They had to be able to push through the pain and keep going.
“A cowboy is somebody who takes care of his horse and his gear, and if he can’t do that, he ain’t no cowboy.”
A cowboy’s horse was his most prized possession. They were the ones who got them from point A to point B, and they had to be treated with care. Cowboys who didn’t take care of their horses were not to be trusted.
“A cowboy ain’t never afraid of a little hard work.”
The cowboy life is not for the faint of heart. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. But those who are up for the challenge will find that it’s incredibly rewarding.
“A cowboy is always ready for a fight, but he’d rather avoid one if he can.”
Cowboys are not looking for trouble, but they’re not going to back down from a fight if it comes their way. They know that sometimes fighting is unavoidable, but they would prefer to avoid it if possible.
“A cowboy is a man who tells the truth, even when it hurts.”
Cowboys are honest to a fault. They believe that honesty is the best policy, even if it means admitting their own mistakes.
“A cowboy is someone who is content to just ride off into the sunset.”
The cowboy life is not for everyone. Some people prefer the safety and stability of a 9-to-5 job. But for those who crave adventure, there’s nothing better than being a cowboy.
2. Here are some inspirational quotes to live by, courtesy of some of the most famous cowboys in history.
When it comes to inspirational quotes, there are few groups of people more qualified to deliver them than cowboys. These rugged individualists have a long history of offering sage advice on everything from love and loss to work and play. So, if you’re looking for some words of wisdom to help you get through life, look no further than these famous cowboy quotes.
“A man on a horse is like a ship at sea.”
– Willa Cather, American novelist
This quote captures the essence of the cowboy lifestyle. Like a ship’s captain, a cowboy is responsible for his own fate. He’s the one in control of his own destiny. If things go wrong, it’s up to him to set them right. This level of self-reliance is one of the things that makes cowboys so inspirational.
“There are two kinds of people in the world: those who want to know, and those who want to believe.”
– cattle rancher Charles Goodnight
This quote is a great reminder that life is all about perspective. It’s up to each individual to decide what they want to believe. For some people, it’s more important to search for the truth, while others are content to simply believe what they want to. Either way, it’s important to be true to yourself.
“The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.”
– boxer and former cowhand Jake Kilrain
This quote is a testament to the hard-working nature of cowboys. No matter what life throws their way, they always get back up and keep going. They know that the only way to overcome bad luck is to put in the hard work and never give up.
“There’s two kinds of worry in this world: Them as has, and them as ain’t.”
– cowboy and folk hero Pecos Bill
This quote is a great reminder to not worry about things that you can’t control. Worrying about things that you can’t do anything about is a waste of time and energy. Instead, focus on the things that you can control and make the most of them.
“You can’t ride into the sunset if you’re afraid of the dark.”
– cowboy poet and humorist Baxter Black
This quote is a great reminder that fear is often more crippling than anything else. If you want to achieve your dreams, you have to be willing to face your fears head-on. Only then will you be able to ride off into the sunset.
3. “A cowboy is only as good as his word.” – William S. Hart
A cowboy is someone who embodies the values of independence, self-reliance, and honesty. They are often associated with the American West and have a strong code of conduct known as the Code of the West. One of the most famous quotes about cowboys is from William S. Hart, an actor and director known for his Western films. He said, “A cowboy is only as good as his word.”
This quote is significant because it speaks to the character of a cowboy. A cowboy is someone who can be trusted to keep their word. They are someone who is honest and reliable. This quote is a reminder that a cowboy’s word is their bond. They are a person of their word.
When Hart said this quote, he was speaking about the character of a cowboy. But it can also be applied to anyone. We all want to be someone who is known for our integrity. We all want to be someone who can be trusted. We all want to be a person of our word.
The next time you’re feeling down or like you can’t trust anyone, remember this quote from William S. Hart. And try to be a little more like a cowboy.
4. “If you want a thing done right, do it yourself.” – William “Buffalo Bill” Cody
Cowboy wisdom dictates that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. This philosophy is summed up perfectly by William “Buffalo Bill” Cody in his famous quote.
Self-reliance is a key trait of any cowboy worth his salt. It’s what allows them to survive and thrive in the harsh and often unforgiving conditions of the American West. A cowboy who can’t take care of himself is not likely to last long.
This philosophy extends beyond just taking care of oneself, however. A cowboy who wants something done right will put in the extra effort to make sure it gets done the way it should be. This might mean going out of his way to find the right tools or materials, or spending extra time to make sure the job is done right.
In today’s world, we often take the easy way out and take shortcuts that lead to subpar results. But the cowboy way is to do it right the first time, even if it takes a little extra effort. After all, a job worth doing is worth doing right.
5. “There are two kinds of people in the world: those who want to know, and those who want to find out.” – Will Rogers
In Will Roger’s words, there are two kinds of people in the world: those who want to know, and those who want to find out. The former are content with what they know and don’t feel the need to explore further. The latter, on the other hand, are curious and always want to learn more.
It’s easy to see why Rogers would say this. After all, he was a man who was always exploring and learning new things. He was a cowboy, actor, comedian, and writer, and he did all of these things with a sense of curiosity and adventure. He was always looking for new opportunities and experiences, and he was never content to just sit back and relax.
This quote is a great reminder that there’s more to life than just what we already know. There’s always something new to learn, and there’s always something new to experience. We should always be curious and always be looking for new opportunities.
So, next time you’re feeling stuck in a rut, or like you’re not doing anything exciting, remember Will Rogers’ words and go out and find something new to learn or do. There’s a whole world out there waiting to be explored, and it’s up to you to go out and find it.
6. “Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish t
“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”
-Mark Twain
There’s something to be said for always doing the right thing, even if it doesn’t result in personal gain. It’s a mark of character and a way to build trust with others. People who always do the right thing are respected by their peers and admired by many.
While it’s not always easy to do the right thing, it’s always worth it in the end. It’s a principle that cowboy live by and one that we can all learn from. When we make the commitment to always do the right thing, we become better people in the process.
While the modern world may seem far removed from the cowboy days of yore, the values and ethos of those days are still very relevant today. The cowboy was a hard worker, a loner, and someone who was always ready for a fight. He was also a man of his word and had a deep respect for Nature and the land. These values are as important today as they were back then, and we can learn a lot from the cowboy way of life.